title development

Book Chain : Incentivizing Actors in the Book Chain to Increase Availability of Quality Books for Children

Book Chain : Incentivizing Actors in the Book Chain to Increase Availability of Quality Books for Children

REACH - World Bank Group 2019

This note summarizes the main takeaways of a discussion between REACH grantees. The goal was to identify the main bottlenecks in the book supply chain and to secure buy-in from government and other key players on the solutions that the grantees were proposing to address those bottlenecks.

Technical Brief: Book Supply Chain - The Process and Cost of Getting Teaching and Learning Materials to Kids

Technical Brief: Book Supply Chain - The Process and Cost of Getting Teaching and Learning Materials to Kids


This technical brief presents the technical and logistical challenges encountered by the ACCELERE! Project during planning, forecasting, title development, publishing, printing, procuring, and distributing training and learning materials to Congolese students, teachers, directors, and inspectors and provides recommendations for future implementers on keys to a successful teaching and learning materials supply chain in DRC.