Universal literacy is key to ensuring quality education for all. See the GBA’s 2021-2024 strategy, which outlines four key objectives to close the book gap.

Become a friend of the global book alliance!

You can immediately start helping to end illiteracy and shape the book market to better address the book gap in developing countries by signing up to be a friend of the GBA.

Thank you for supporting a vision of the world in which all children have access to quality books that they can use to learn to read, read to learn, and develop a love of reading.


A world in which all children achieve literacy and have access to quality books in a language that they understand with which they can learn to read, read to learn, and develop a love of reading.

Our Mission

To transform the lives of millions of children in developing countries by working with partners to identify, promote, and support innovations, best practices, and policies that will change the way books are created, procured, and provided.

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