The Global Book Alliance’s 2022 Year-in-Review

The Global Book Alliance’s 2022 Year-in-Review

Education systems around the world are recovering from learning loss due to the pandemic. The Global Book Alliance (GBA) continues to promote best practices in order to ensure children have access to quality reading materials in languages they use and understand. The GBA works to transform the lives of millions of children in developing countries by working with partners to identify, promote, and support innovations, best practices, and policies that will change the way books are created, procured, and provided. In 2022, the GBA had a major impact on book supply chains and reading materials globally.

More Books With Less Hassle: Resources to Improve Book Procurement and Stregthen Foundational Learning

More Books With Less Hassle: Resources to Improve Book Procurement and Stregthen Foundational Learning

In this webinar, presenters cover findings from a USAID-commissioned global cost study on the costs of books and the drivers behind these costs, and 10 (relatively) easy ways to improve book procurement and lower costs. The webinar includes a look at new guidance and tools from the World Bank to support practitioners through every stage of the process, from design to printing to distribution to use.

GBA Partner Spotlight: All Children Reading: A Grand Challenge for Development

GBA Partner Spotlight: All Children Reading: A Grand Challenge for Development

All Children Reading: A Grand Challenge for Development develops, implements, and scales game-changing ed-tech solutions and tools to bring the gift of reading to children waiting to learn to read. As a part of the Global Book Alliance, All Children Reading shares the vision of a world where all children have access to quality books that they can use to learn to read, read to learn, and develop a lifelong love of reading.

GBA Publishes Cambodia Book Supply Chain Analysis

GBA Publishes Cambodia Book Supply Chain Analysis

This book supply chain analysis, compiled by a team of Global Book Alliance in Action researchers, identifies strengths and weaknesses in each link of the book supply chain, and provides recommendations to ensure that all learners can access sufficient, appropriate, high-quality reading materials in order to improve reading outcomes in Cambodia.

GBA Publishes Jordan Book Supply Chain Analysis

GBA Publishes Jordan Book Supply Chain Analysis

This book supply chain analysis, compiled by a team of Global Book Alliance in Action researchers, identifies strengths and weaknesses in each link of the book supply chain, and provides recommendations to ensure that all learners can access sufficient, appropriate, high-quality reading materials in order to improve reading outcomes in Jordan.

GBA Launches "Books For Every Child: A Global Pledge"

GBA Launches "Books For Every Child: A Global Pledge"

More than 617 million children and youth are not reaching minimum proficiency in reading. The GBA invites the global community to share Books for Every Child: A Global Pledge, and commit to promoting the crucial role of books in literacy development.

GBA Hosts Book Workshops in Tanzania

GBA Hosts Book Workshops in Tanzania

The Global Book Alliance and the USAID Global Book Alliance in Action project (GBAIA) hosted a four-day book sector workshop in Dar es Salaam, bringing together staff from the Tanzanian and Zanzibar Institutes of Education and private sector publishers from across the country to discuss the book industry in Tanzania. The workshop focused on creating quality children’s books, with lively discussions about types of books, quality writing and illustrations, and a gap analysis of the Tanzanian book market.