Webinar: Private Sector Book Publishing in Africa

Webinar: Private Sector Book Publishing in Africa

The Global Book Alliance and the African Publishers Network hosted an Open Book Series webinar: Private Sector Book Publishing in Africa. A panel of expert publishers discussed challenges and opportunities in private sector publishing in Africa, including access to books, language, copyright issues, book distribution, and capacity-building of publishers.

Books in Bamanankan: Children's Book Development Training in Mali

Books in Bamanankan: Children's Book Development Training in Mali

In Mali, there are few books available in local languages. The Global Book Alliance and USAID Mali are working with Malian ministries, publishers, authors, and illustrators to create, print, and distribute 180,000 books in Bamanankan.

Translation Sprints: Linking Language and Literacy

Translation Sprints: Linking Language and Literacy

In Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Peru GBA-trained teachers are closing the book gap by translating early reading material from Spanish into indigenous languages including Kaqchikel, Miskito, and Quechua through the GBA’s Translate a Story initiative.

The Benefits of Read Alouds: World Read Aloud Day

The Benefits of Read Alouds: World Read Aloud Day

A read aloud is a wonderful way to engage with a story and forge a connection with students both inside and outside the classroom. At the community and household level, a read aloud is a simple tool for families to engage with books together and create a culture of reading.

The Global Book Alliance: Year in Review

The Global Book Alliance: Year in Review

Despite significant challenges for learning across the world, the Global Book Alliance continues to support ways to ensure children have access to quality reading materials in languages that they understand.

The Global Book Alliance Welcomes New Chair: Dr. Henry Chakava

The Global Book Alliance Welcomes New Chair: Dr. Henry Chakava

The Global Book Alliance (GBA) is thrilled to welcome Dr. Henry Chakava as the newest chair of the GBA Steering Committee. Dr. Chakava is a dedicated and renowned publisher who is considered “the father of Kenyan publishing.”

Ensuring Books For Half the Sky – Why Girls Need Books

Ensuring Books For Half the Sky – Why Girls Need Books

Literacy ensures that girls build confidence, develop self-esteem and believe in their ability to achieve their dreams. However, girls face a greater risk of illiteracy than their male peers. Approximately 496 million adult women around the world are unable to read and write. The GBA Open Book webinar—Ensuring Books for Half the Sky: Why Girls Need Books—included GBA partners who engage in supporting, advocating, and ensuring change so that more girls can get access to books and a quality education.